Sunday, December 7, 2014

On Location: Kayo Books

Juxtapoz $3 ; Absolutely Zippo! $15

Living in a city means constantly stumbling upon new spots. Thus, I've decided to document such glorious finds as we all know urban exploration is oh so thrilling.

This week, Nikki and I decided to check out a bookstore that carries pulp fiction, erotica and generally books that are NSFW classified. Nikki refers to it as 'the sex shop', which it kinda is in some sense because look at the titles on display [refer to image 2 & 4]. Besides the erotica/gay/lesbian/prison genres, they do have a lot of other books, such as those produced by the Beats generation, war stories and all forms of other literature. Most of these books, if not all, are secondhand, but they are in extremely good condition at really good prices.

Browsing in this bookstore can take hours. There's so much to see what with such a wide selection available, it's tough to stop your inner bibliophile from imploding. Venturing upstairs because I had to tear myself away from the art books, I met up with Nikki. She told me about a book that was of a Nazi's pilot diary. It was sad because he didn't believe in what he did. On a brighter note, she found a Canadian bill in one of the books along with this note:

Kayo Books is instantly my new favourite bookstore, replacing Bound Together only because Kayo is within walking distance. Now I don't have to take the MUNI all the way to Haigh-Ashbury or Mission just to get my zine fix.

This time, I tried my very best to refrain from getting any new books. Yet my lack of self control decided it was a good idea to get a copy of Juxtapoz, an art magazine, and Absolutely Zippo!: An Anthology of a Fanzine 1988 - 1998. My reasoning: I probably won't be able to find this around, so may as well get it now.

Kayo Books

814 Post St

San Francisco, CA, 94109

Till then,
Live life with no regrets. [Hook x2]

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