Saturday, November 2, 2013

Homespun DIY: Flower crown

Hey there kulcats! Tasha here, fellow lump of the ever so preeminent Yi Peng. (Yeah, I have to compliment her in some way right it is her blog.) (poo)

As many of you might know, Urbanscapes is coming up and oh golly gee damn am I excited. I've never been to a music festival before, (I know, lame. Boo you lump) so I'm pretty excited to dress up for this special occasion. I've always imagined myself going as a hippie to music festivals and a hippie look is not complete without your ever so trusty flower crown. It's so easy to make, fun and completes/adds femininity to your outfit.

(Photo credit:

(Photo credit:

So, shall we begin?

 Things you'll need:
  • Hot glue gun
  • Glue sticks
  • An old headband
  • Fake flowers (Yi Peng got these from Kaison)

Step 1: Cut the stems off the flowers. This will make it easier to glue onto the headband. 

Step 2: Arrange the flowers however you want before you glue them on. Add leaves to give them character

Caution: The glue is hot. (hot glue gun, duh) 
Step 3: The picture is pretty self-explanatory. Time to glue your flowers on!  (Tip: You might wanna keep your fingers away from the tip of the hot glue gun. The glue sticks tend to melt really fast and the glue just oozes out like crazy. Turn the switch off to have more control of the flow of the glue.)

And voila! You're done. Now wasn't that easy? You can arrange the flowers however you want. It is your crown after all. (We all know Yi Peng and I are the only princesses though) (Lumpy princesses that is)

Have fun with it!
Peace out bamboozles,

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