Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bookmarked: Eleanor & Park

I was browsing at my favourite bookstore one day, looking for Good Omens, when the owner of the bookstore suggested I pick up Eleanor and Park.

"John Green highly recommends this book. As do I.", he said something along those lines.

That sealed the fate of the book coming home with me. After that, I noticed YouTubers and bloggers talking about it. With so much hype surrounding this book, I was a tad skeptical but read it with an open mind.

It takes a lot for a book to capture my attention for more than half an hour. This book left me clinging to it the whole day. My entire day was dedicated to this book. I just couldn't put it down. After finishing it at 2am, I felt emotionally drained. It took me the entire day to finish it because I wanted to savour it but at the same time I wanted to know what happens to Eleanor & Park as quickly as possible. Who knew I would get sucked into this world where mix tapes and comic books were exchanged; where the worlds of a Korean mixed Caucasian boy and a curvy girl with disastrous red hair would collide.

Eleanor & Park made my heart clenched. They made me smile and cry and I just could not get over them till this day.

Why this book is so amazing is because the story plays out in a very convincing way. This isn't some cliché fairytale where you can easily predict a happy ending. Even though you think you might know how this all plays out, well to be frank, you don't. That's how life is and that's how this book is.

Everything is uncertain and even till the end, it still is.

I really hope that one day you do pick this up. Maybe not today, but someday.

1 comment:

Ajeng Andianti said...

i do really love your blog and the posts!
would you mind to follow each other? :)