Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pink Matter

Forever 21 Coat, Vintage top and sheer coverup, H&M skirt, Luccacal necklace,
Creepers from Taiwan

{Image credit: Allison Hill}

Happiness is radiating from within me because spring break is officially here! I do have one more class left tomorrow, but midterms is over for me. Today was one of the longest day ever, but the weight of my Visual Merchandising presentation and Digital Techniques for Fashion Illustration test is off my shoulders now. I don't know how I'm mustering the energy to edit all of the photos above and spewing word after word, but sleep deprivation is a funny thing. 

I'm so excited to explore San Francisco now that I have ample of time to do whatever I want. Venturing out of the city is a promising deal as friends with cars are always beneficial. My film cameras have been neglected as well, but with a new supply of films, I'm ready to shoot photo diaries for future me to go "Oh! I totally forgot about this moment."

Till then,
HYFR it's spring break. 

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