Tuesday, March 25, 2014


As much as I hate to admit this, I have come to terms that I am in fact stuck in a damn rut. Nothing inspires me anymore. Outfit posts are dwindling down to nonexistence as I go through my days throwing pieces together in hopes that I look and feel decent. I shop to fill the void of temporary materialistic bliss, but in the end, it amounts to nothing.

This is a total downer. But it has to be said.

I'm sick of the places I frequent to, it's too comfortable. I'm bored with the way things are coming along. I crave for spontaneous trips to the woods or down to the beach, anything as a form of escapism from routine. 

A change of scenery is very much in need right now. I need to be scared out of my wits. A challenge perhaps. Whatever life has to throw at me, I'm ready because anything is better than how I am feeling at this moment. Being in a rut is painful because you have an itch that cannot be scratched, a craving that can never be satisfied no matter how hard you try. It is ridiculously dull, not to say that nothing has been happening, but there needs to be a change in pace. 

*long, heavy sigh* 

Till then,
I have absolutely no clue what I want.

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