Sunday, March 30, 2014


A weekend away from home made me come to two realisations:

{Photo credit: Marsya}

1) Home is within you, just like I said in a piece I wrote for Third Culture (you can read it here). It surprises me how at home I feel with certain people as well as in certain places. These people and places make everything seem better, despite how shitty one feels on a particularly off day. BUT, I realised that once you start feeling comfortable alone without the constant tingling need to have someone to talk to (via online or in person), you can start feeling comfortable in that little haven of yours. Sometimes a little time off from the people around you is all you ever need to reenergise.

2) Technology does not promote productivity, at times. Do you realise how much time is spent when on your phone? Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr etc etc is a click away on any one of your phones and that is why it is so damn distracting. I procrastinate by clicking on all of these apps and have made it a habit to refresh over and over again. This weekend, I did not have access to the Internet and so I left my phone, which I rendered useless since there was -10 connectivity, somewhere in a corner. Hot damn diggity, did I use my time wisely. I managed to finish The Help (did anyone cry buckets at the last few pages?) as well as finish a movie I have been pushing off for ages. It feels good to finish things.

These are just thoughts I had in mind that I found the need to spew out as a note to self for future me.

Till then,
Get to work, YP.

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