Thursday, April 3, 2014

You; My Compass & My Sea.

Emotions have been at an all time high, ranging from incredibly unhappy to happiness that radiates. Sometimes I pause and think how lucky I am to be surrounded by such amazing people. The pessimist in me would never believe that I would find such incredible people around me, who love me as much as I love them. But hey, the universe has some good tricks up its sleeves. They really are my rock, my pseudo family of sorts. And the thought of leaving them has never really hit me until recently. 

Just today I was planning a short trip to Singapore, but realised how I didn't really have much time to do so because in 4 months' time, I'll be jetting off to the other side of the world with a new chapter of my life ahead of me. There are so many things to look forward to in all honesty. I am happy and grateful for the opportunities ahead, but at the same time it's tough letting go of my life here. It will alter in ways I can never fully fathom, it's definitely a leap of faith and saying goodbye is only the beginning.

Till then, 
Drowning in thoughts. 

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