{Photo courtesy of Marsya}
It's 1:47 am and I'm having pre-finals anxiety. This isn't something new, thus I know the only way to get rid of it is to sit down and study till I feel good about myself and can actually fall asleep. (Yes, I've tried to make a list to ease my mind but that rarely works.)
Pre-finals jitters are the worst. I worry about whether I have enough time to cover everything, which most often than not is impossible because my mind's version of everything is covering the entire syllabus twice with notes and by reading the textbook from cover to cover, twice. Over the years, one would have thought that being able to pull through so many finals would help ease the mind, but that's not the case. I still worry that I'll be unprepared. I tell myself that I've already been accepted into a university but then again, I wanna ace my courses because I know I can and I want to. It's as simple as that. Once finals is over and I can breathe again, I will look back and think 'That wasn't so bad.'
But right now, anxiety will constantly be nagging me in the back of my mind as I watch Community in bed or sit down to read Attachments.
On a lighter note, I can't stop thinking about this loft in Portland. You can read the post here but first, scroll down and be amazed. The desire to live in a loft is stronger than ever, plus I have a lot more ideas to work with right now. Finances psh, I'll let future me worry about that. A girl can always dream.

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