Monday, June 2, 2014


Highlights of May:
1) The end of Inti with 4th semester finals out of the way.
2) Ipoh day trip with the girls.
3) Exploring Penanag and Langkawi with the crew.
4) Riding it through with the lumps around KK and Kuching.
5) Sleepover with the girls (& On) you can never, ever sit with. 

Things I've learnt (because life is one huge Hallmark moment):
1) Communication is everything.
2) Take a step back when life seems hazy. 
3) Problems can be easily solved when viewed from a different perspective, especially a wider one.
4) Some issues are smaller than we tend to perceive. 

My mind can't seem to form proper words without me wanting to throw my laptop off the bed as I cry out in frustration. Words can't seem to fully describe how I feel at the moment or what I'm trying to say, but hopefully these lists will do for now. 

Till then,
Constantly growing. 

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