Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friday Film: An Education

An Education held my attention to the very end. It had a steady pace, interesting characters and conversations that I would love to have. The outfits worn by Jenny after meeting David were incredibly sophisticated, especially ***S P O I L E R (do not continue reading or scroll through the screenshots if you don't want any spoilers of how this movie progresses)*** during their trip to Paris. Her hair and dresses were oh so chic and she looked amazing.

The settings are dreamy, probably because it's so beautiful and different from what we are familiar with. Jenny is a relatable character for me as the way she thinks are similar to mine. She is a strong character, none of that annoying-I-cannot-for-the-life-of-me-make-up-my-mind fiasco. She knows what she wants and she strives to achieve her goals. Jenny is someone I would look up too, even though she has her flaws. (Who doesn't? Mistakes are made so that we can grow anyways.)

Read the quotes below to have a peek into Jenny's character.

Jenny: I'm going to read what I want, and listen to what I want, and I'm going to look at paintings and watch French films, and I'm gonna talk to people who know lots about lots.

Jenny: If you never do anything, you never become anyone. 

Jenny: [Jenny's thoughts on sex ] It's funny though, isn't it? All that poetry and all those songs, about something that lasts no time at all.

Jenny: The life I want, there is no shortcut. 

Miss Stubbs: You seem to be old and wise.
Jenny: I feel old. But not very wise.

An Education is equivalent to a light read. Watch it during your downtime, it's not super thought provoking or emotionally draining. It's the right blend of romance and drama.

Till then,
There are no shortcuts in life.

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