Sofia Coppola is one of my all time favourite director. If you screenshot every scene of her movies, it is pretty much flawless, especially The Virgin Suicides. But we'll get into that movie sooner or later, this week, it's all about Lost In Translation.
Two strangers meet in a bar, connected and became friends in this strange new city. One of them is an actor (Bill Murray) and the other is a wife of a photographer (Scarlett Johansson). It's surreal being in a new city where you do not have a constant companion, roaming around and absorbing everything is great for the first few days, but slowly, you'll probably lose your mind if you didn't have a goal to work towards to.
This movie captures the connection between two people who have something in common, that is being in a foreign place alone and it is heartwarming and beautiful. Just look at the stills below.
Charlotte: I just don't know what I'm supposed to be.
Bob: You'll figure that out. The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.
Bob: Can you keep a secret? I'm trying to organize a prison break. I'm looking for, like, an accomplice. We have to first get out of this bar, then the hotel, then the city, and then the country. Are you in or you out?
Charlotte: I'm in. I'll go pack my stuff.
Bob: I hope that you've had enough to drink. It's going to take courage.
Charlotte: I tried taking pictures, but they were so mediocre. I guess every girl goes through a photography phase. You know, horses... taking pictures of your feet.
Bob: It gets a whole lot more complicated when you have kids.
Charlotte: It's scary.
Bob: The most terrifying day of your life is the day the first one is born.
Charlotte: Nobody ever tells you that.
Bob: Your life, as you know it... is gone. Never to return. But they learn how to walk, and they learn how to talk... and you want to be with them. And they turn out to be the most delightful people you will ever meet in your life.
Charlotte: That's nice.
Bob: I don't want to leave.
Charlotte: So don't. Stay here with me. We'll start a jazz band.
Convinced? Now go.
Till then,
For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.