It was slump week. I jumped on board at the idea of a spontaneous trip to Reno, Nevada. 6 hours on the Megabus right at the very front on the top deck. The view was amazing. Lost all the images because I fried my phone, but hey, that calls for another trip to Reno. Every semester I face a slump week and the only remedy is to go on a spontaneous trip to rejuvenate all energy that has been lost.
10th Nov: Meeting Julian Casablancas
I've talked about this, so no more. Still a highlight though.
18th Nov: The 1975 live
They were amazing live. Matty sounds exactly the same, probably even better live. When Me came on and everyone was just silent, goosebumps ran up and down my spine. It's moments like that that reminds me I'm alive.
21st Nov: Field trip to Japanese Tea Garden
The best thing about art school would be the field trips. Leaving the classroom behind and being in a new environment that you have to sketch onto paper are moments that I will savour. It was beautiful, more images on my Instagram and Tumblr.
26th - 29th Nov: Thanksgiving break
Unintentional artsy shot of a taco from Taco Bell. Hard shell + soft shell, the best of both worlds really. Thanksgiving break was filled with food coma inducing delicacies, unconventional company and laid back car rides.
Oyster Books
The Spotify/Netflix version for books, this has kept me occupied as I wait for buses that are never on time. Currently reading Philosophy 101 because I want to understand the larger meaning of life or at least catch a glimpse of it. This could be a momentary existential crisis in university even though it has only been one semester.
Shoplifting from American Apparel by Tao Lin
Not too dense, I finished this book in a sitting. (That's saying a lot as I'm a slow reader and get distracted easily.) It's an engaging story as you follow Sam to NYU libraries, shoplifting in American Apparel and his short stint in jail.
Favorite quotes:
"Our bios: 'They lived in poverty writing their masterpieces.'"
"When I'm talking to someone I think 'can I use this dialogue in a book,'" said Luis. "If the answer is no, I try talking to someone else."
You can read a snippet here.
A proper fairy tale like story that reminded me of my childhood with humour that would cause you to giggle like a kid again. Rescuing princesses, escaping eels, venturing into Fire Swamp, The Princess Bride is made for a night in when you feel like leaving the world behind and stepping into a fantasy.
The Dreamers
I like the idea of watching films in a palace, breaking the world record for running through the Louvre, reading books that require thought and discussions. The best part of this movie are the film splices made in reference to other films. Does that even make sense?
Hard Candy
I've been meaning to watch this for awhile now but after reading this film review on The Pulp Zine, I immediately decided to watch it. Throughout the movie it made me so tense watching this and when it was all over, I had to let out a sigh. This is a movie dealing with pedophilia and rape culture. Personally, I thought this was a damn good movie, especially when it came to the message. Read the well worded film review after watching.
Favourite quote:
“Just because a girl acts like a woman, doesn’t mean she is ready to do what a woman does.”
Human Sadness by Julian Casablancas + the Voidz
Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but this song evokes emotion unlike any other song I've ever heard. It could just be me and my off the walls emotions, but I do hope that you guys feel what I feel. It's not necessarily sadness. Be warn, it is an 11 minute song.
Vanity, overriding wisdom, usually common sense.

High Street by Blood Orange
The late Michael Jackson doing the moon walk on the telly and I was like "who's bad?"
Danger In The Dancehall by Jesse Woods
Walk with the creatures of the moon. Cause we're young, and life's a vacation.
Back Of The Hand by The British Expeditionary Force
Listen with the windows down on a clear night drive.
Till then,
May the last month of 2014 kick ass.
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