There are days where you’re swamped with a shitload of work
to complete and it never seems to end. And there are days where you don’t have
a care in the world. You have all the time you will ever need to do whatever
the hell you want. You might not be where you want to be, but you have time on
your side. You have Internet connection and apparently that is necessary in
this age and day. We are so busy thinking about the future that we tend to
forget the present. We forget to stop and look around, to be in the moment. To
enjoy the time we have in our hands and not let it slip from our grasp.
Life is so many little things. When it comes down to it, we
don’t need materials to make us happy. We make ourselves happy by being
satisfied with what we have and seeing the possibilities that can happen with
what we have by our side. With a book, you can explore so many worlds,
experience different exploits, capture feelings and be somewhere else other
than reality. With a pen, you can lock in emotions of that particular moment in
whatever way you want or sketch something special that you hold close and dear
to your heart.
We fail to remember that simplicity is best. Notice how most
of the photos on Tumblr can evoke such strong emotions with only a picture of a
girl dressed in a white tee or flowers in our own backyard? Beauty is all
around us, yet we don’t see it.
I used to overthink so much that I don’t accomplish what I
set out to do, but this year will be different. I see it all clearly now.
Everything is possible as long as you are willing to see it through.
Now that I have my very own laptop thanks to my amazing
parents, I am determined to update my blog regularly. No more restrictions with
my postings. From now on, I’ll write and post whatever the hell I want.
Here’s to a wonderful year ahead.
In 2013, I will:
Photo credits: Tumblr